The Johari window is a visual representation of what you know about yourself, and what others know about you, to help develop self-awareness and trust. It is a useful tool in understanding your relationship with yourself and others. Johari Window model can be a useful tool if you want to improve your communication...Read More
This term we have been focusing on the theme ‘I am a Leader’ and going through the 7 leadership habits. What does it mean to you? How do you view it? What do you think about it? There are several quotes on leadership; the bottom line however in this ocean of leadership quotes is a leader...Read More
As you know, we have been going over our Bible theme ‘Armor of God’ this term derived from Ephesians 6:13-16 which has been going well. I’m sure we all have some kind of visual representation of how the armor of God looks like, either from our Sunday School days or the kid friendly Bible movies or...Read More
As we wrap up with this term’s Bible theme L.O.V.E; it does not conclude the numerous and never-ending lessons the children can learn from love as well as us adults. I am particularly happy about this term’s theme song which you have heard the children sing numerous times at home if it doesn’t already exist in...Read More
As we continue to focus on our Values, this term we learn some lessons about LOVE. Drawing from the Bible, 1st Corinthians speaks volumes about this important and ageless Value. Here is how we can teach children about what love is and how together we can practice Adoration which is fuelled only by Love. LOVE IS...Read More