NB. Music, recorder lessons, computer classes and physical education are part of the curriculum and no extra fees apply. Swimming and French are included for Primary students at no extra charge.
PAYMENT OF FEES (non- refundable): All fees must be paid in full and in advance before the first day of the term. Bank slips should be emailed or presented at the school with clear narrative. Cash payments are not accepted at the school.
DISCOUNT NOTE ONE: A discount of 5% is given to a parent who has a 2nd child in the school and 7.5% for a 3rd child. This applies to tuition fees and is awarded to the child of a lower class.
DISCOUNT NOTE TWO: A discount of 5% is given on tuition fees if school fees are settled in full by the 15th of every holiday month.
PENALTY: A penalty fee will be charged for late payment of fees after opening school.