This term we have been focusing on the theme ‘I am a Leader’ and going through the 7 leadership habits. What does it mean to you? How do you view it? What do you think about it? There are several quotes on leadership; the bottom line however in this ocean of leadership quotes is a leader who is inspiring, motivating, compassionate to those he/she leads, able to make decisions beneficial not only for themselves but for others.
When we think of a leader our minds shift to our careers but it’s far beyond that. Quick exercise, write down from the top of your head (do not overthink or overanalyze it) what you think makes you a good leader or not. Take a long look at your list and introspect on why you think these things make you a good leader or a not so good leader. How do we work on them? We are all leaders in our own rights, it’s about how we approach our leadership that matters.
It matters to us, it matters to those we lead – our colleagues, our families, our businesses, our ministries and our marriages. However, as much as we lead, do we allow ourselves to be led? Led by others, by God? We often want to lead but never be led. Our own children can lead us – you would know more but here at school we are really positively challenged by the very same children we teach, our spouse, our colleagues. How we respond to being led speaks a lot about our heart posture. All in all, leadership takes two forms, leading and being led. Strive to be on both ends of this journey.